The Ayurvedic Approach to Beauty: Get Adequate Sunlight

Traditional dermatology accepts that one of major fact causing and accelerating skin damage is sunlight. The action of UV rays (sunlight actually) damages the collagen and elastic fibers. This results in skin inability to restore itself after stretching, causing the formation of wrinkles. Sunlight also produces a significant rate of evaporation, making skin drier. As a result, people think sunscreens should be an everyday product and spend millions of dollars.

On the other hand, ayurvedic approach claims that over-protecting from sun is not a good idea. Skin needs some gentle sun rays to get necessary dose of Vitamin D and to be nourished. So get adequate sunlight. In this situation, the challenge is to get the maximum benefit from sun avoiding any harm of your skin.

A good choice is to stay away from long exposure to the sun. The best way to get beneficial sunlight is morning exposure. There are several conditions that make the skin more sensitive to sun damage by rising the heat level in the body, such as angry, hungry, fury and other emotionally situations. At these times it's very important to give more protection to your skin by wearing a hat or a cap and sunglasses. The rule of thumb in avoiding major skin damage is to always take care to protect your body from the excessive midday sun.

However, if your skin is damaged by the sun, follow the ayurvedic approach and try to adequate the sensitivity from the inside with proper foods. For instance green vegetables with leaves and fruits such as pomegranates, pears, raisins, and apples will help refresh, nourish and restore balance to sensitive skin. If your skin is sun sensitive, avoid eating too much ginger, garlic or hot peppers of any type.

Valerian D is a freelance writer interested in issues such as skin care