How To Create A Burning Desire To Buy With Your Small Business Marketing

You could be generating 50% to 100% more sales with your marketing. How? By working with basic human nature to convert more of your prospects to customers.

Each week 100 or 1000 people visit your web site or read your small business marketing materials but only a handful of those are contacting you. You can double the number of people who buy your products and services and double your profits.

The biggest mistake made by small business owners is that they treat marketing as if it didn't need to follow basic rules of human nature. It's like trying to force feed broccoli to someone who hates vegetables or trying to get a vegetarian to eat roast beef. Similarly, it just doesn't make sense to try and force your prospects to do something they don't want to do.

I'm amazed at how many people throw away huge sums of money on a marketing strategy that continually frustrates them and doesn't bring in the sales they need to grow their business.

Here's the simple truth about small business marketing. If you want to sell to people you need to take into account basic characteristics of human nature. You can't just get your name out there or get the name of your product out there and expect clients to flock to your door. This marketing strategy doesn't work for small business owners and it won't work for you.

The good news is that it's not complicated or confusing to market your business successfully and close twice as many sales. All you need to do is understand a couple of obvious things about human nature and apply them to marketing your business.

Effective Marketing Is Based On These 3 Rules of Human Nature

> First Rule Of Human Nature:
People are attracted by solutions to their problems

Your prospects want to know what your product or service will do for them. They want to know if it will help them solve a particular problem.

Your marketing should lead with the product benefit and then go on to explain more about how your products or services help them and you