Elder Care Atrocities Require Action

How many atrocities against our elder citizens will ensue prior to a significant reform of the nursing home industry? Bed sores, dehydration, malnutrition, physical abuse as well as many other physical, emotional and physiological atrocities are, unfortunately, an everyday occurrence for many nursing home residents. Are public officials "on the payroll" of the nursing home industry's upper echelon? Drunk drivers, burglars and murderers are prosecuted daily. I am dumb founded by how many involuntary murders (or voluntary, since many deaths are preventable) occur without prosecution. Fines, license suspension and other menial punishments do not impose fear into the unscrupulous individuals who neglect and ultimately assassinate our loved ones by their indifference.

As stated in a previous article, I have had first hand knowledge of the reprehensible carnage committed against nursing home residents. I, like most people, do not have enough time to become an advocate; I am however, making time to show support for the nursing home reform cause. Everyone I have spoken to is in agreement; nursing home reform is a necessity. If history has taught us anything it