Wedding Vows: Traditional or Personalized?

On your wedding day, nothing is more important than your vows. The ceremony is brief compared to the time you will share with each other after your big day. The keeping of the promise or vows you make to one another is what matters for a long and happy marriage.

Traditional Vows

During the wedding planning stages, you may have thought about the vows. You may have wondered what the vows say. If you are having your wedding in a church, the vows will conform to religious requirements. The basis of traditional vows is on the religion of the church such as Christianity.

If you decide on saying traditional vows at your wedding, it should be comforting to know that many couples before you have said them also at their wedding. It builds the case that the traditional vows stands the test of time. Traditional vows are already perfect and the wording covers just about everything needed in a promise between two people so they can live together happily ever after.

Personalized Vows

Perhaps you understand and appreciate the meaning behind the traditional vows, but you would like to be unique with your own wedding vows. If you think saying your own vows will capture what you want in a promise to each other because you're unique as a couple, then try it. However, the fantasy of saying your own vows is easier to daydream about than the reality of writing it.

If you have written your own vows, discuss this with the officiant of your ceremony as early as possible. Your officiant will tell you what you must also include in your vows to make it valid.

Whatever vow choice you make, traditional or personalized, what matters is how you will treat each other as a married couple in the end.
