3 Ways to Lower Your Bills and Reduce Your Debt

It is amazing how easy it is to find yourself in a cycle of debt that leaves you feeling helpless and engulfed. With a few smart tips, it is possible to lower your bills, so you can actually pay more on the principle debt that you owe and finally find your self working your way out of the cycle. Put these three tips to work for you and see just how much money you can save.

Switch to lower interest credit cards.

Interest rates can eat up a good amount of your paycheck each week, but if you can find a credit card with an interest rate that is just 5% less than the card you currently use, you can cut your interest payment in half. Then if you take that extra money that you are saving in interest and apply it to the amount of money that you owe, you will find yourself getting closer to being out of debt with each passing month.

Take a look at your adjustable rate mortgage.

The low interest rates that homebuyers are currently enjoying won