Better Sorry than Safe

Once upon a time there lived two bears in a jungle. Like all bears they loved Honey. But getting Honey was not easy, it was risky, honey bees were ready to attack anyone who tried to get Honey.

Out of those two bears the First bear tried for Honey and honey bees attacked him. He failed in first attempt. He was so scared of honey bees that he desired for honey but never dared to try again. He played safe. He lost the opportunity to gain strength and vigour he could have got from Honey. He remained an ordinary bear. He lived safe and died safe.

The Second bear was also in quest for Honey, he failed once. But he derived strength from strong desire for Honey. He made many attempts, was attacked many times by honey bees. The tenacious bear finally got Honey he desired for. He gained enormous strength from Honey. Thereafter the Second bear tried many times for Honey, each time with more strength and more confidence, and most of the times he got that.

Now you decide two things, Whose path you want to follow? The one followed by First bear or the one followed by Second bear?

Decide what is Honey for you; great job, profitable business, b-school admission, faithful companion, peace of mind or just anything you desire for. Give your best shot for it and Don't give up. Its better to be sorry than to remain safe.

Your Honey is waiting for you. Go Get It !

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A Simple Person trying to understand this complex world. Blogs at -

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I see this world with eyes of a curious child, In my mind questions gallore, All why's and how's I want to explore , My Blog is about my endless curiosity, The way I see the world, I am not an expert, neither wise nor gifted, I am The Ignorant, a curious child.