Finding the Authentic You

Even though man is perched on the highest rung of the evolutionary scale, it appears that he has not yet come to understand the purpose of life.

An accountant can complete my tax returns, a lawyer can get me what I "deserve" in a separation, a science teacher can tell me about gravity, a doctor can treat my symptoms, a politician can debate in the House, but could any of these highly educated people tell us the true purpose of life?

Today, millions of people will go to their work place, sit behind their desk, or go about their physical labour, and hardly one of them will have spent more than a few moments of their lifetime contemplating the purpose of living.

And here we are, top of the pops in evolution, fully grown adults, in full-time occupation, raising families and going about our day-to-day business, ignorant of the very understanding about the purpose we serve on earth. And if you see a grain of true in what I say, you will also see that to continue living in this way is to continue to sleep walk through life.

Will you allow me to wake you from this trance? And will you give the person next to you a nudge and ask them to wake with you? Because to continue to sleep walk through life is to live with a false identity - an inauthentic, lost existence - where we pretend to be something which we are not or can never be.

We are where we are now in our evolution, because of an accumulation of thought - thought, that as we have already considered - is based on so little contemplation about who and what we are, that it should not form the foundation of our lives or the world.

At your core, I know you know that you have a purpose in life; I know you that know you have a talent and a unique way of expressing that talent. And I know you are unlikely to be expressing that talent at a level anywhere near the peak of your ability.

But we are all continually in the process of creating. And rather than continuing to create an existence that hasn't been thought through, we can begin to create something more meaningful, something worthwhile, something that is authentic and you.

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