Wolpoff & Abramson Defense

If you have a MBNA credit card in default or if you are receiving dunning letters or if you are you being sued by Wolpoff & Abramson, you may have a defense to the lawsuit and/or a claim against them.

Wolpoff & Abramson, LLP is a large national law firm of approximately 850 employees, in the practice of debt collection for large national retail and banking clients.

Since the National Arbitration Forum is a division and/or wholly owned subsidiary of Wolpoff & Abramson, any arbitration by the National Arbitration Forum is an absolute conflict of interest and can not be legally considered independent, neutral and impartial third party in arbitration. Any decision would be immediately be null and void under the federal arbitration act presuming there was an actual agreement between the parties to arbitrate a matter which there is none.

Consumer advocate and credit/debt expert Bud Hibbs has ranks Wolpoff as the 7th worst debt collection agency in the United States.

Just because a Wolpoff & Abramson, sues you does not mean that they are automatically entitled to a judgment. They still have to prove their case, and you can have a trial, even a jury trial. The key is to answer the lawsuit in a timely manner. If you answer in time you can successfully defend your case. You may win, and have a judgment in your favor entered stating that you owe nothing.

Consumers can choose not to contract with Wolpoff & Abramson in accordance with Hale vs. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43 (1906) and can reject any and/or all correspondence, claims, or any other documents implying they have contracted with them in any manner, shape or form.

Any arbitration conducted by National Arbitration Forum in violation of any of the laws, statutes, acts, codes, rules, listed below, constitutes a willful and intentional commercial injury to the consumer where the National Arbitration Forum is legally liable for.

The National Arbitration Forum cannot provide proof that the alleged