Home Relaxation -2- For People Who Work At Home

In the first of two articles on home relaxation, I covered the majority of working people, those who go out to work. This second article looks at those who work at home, and how they can establish a work routine that incorporates periods of relaxation.

For those who have a daily grind of commuting to their job, sometimes long distances and for an hour, two hours or even more, the thought of working at home may seem like a dream. They probably assume that those of us who work at home do not have any problem at all with home relaxation; after all, working at home is like a permanent holiday, isn't it?

In reality, though, having the optimum amount of relaxation mixed in with your working day is only easy in theory. One of the problems of working at home is that work can so easily take over. While it is true that you can decide to relax whenever you want, it is also true that you can decide to work whenever you want. If you are trying to get a new home business established, or to increase its success, a determined person can lapse into an