Toenail Fungus Treatment with the Acidophilis Beer Soak

This natural toenail fungus treatment information came to me via a professor of mine during our medical procedures course. I am passing it on to you in hopes that people try this first before resorting to the toxic effects of Lamisil.

Acidophilis Beer Soak:

The basic premise behind this odd sounding natural toenail fungus treatment is to soften the nail with the beer, create an acidic environment with vinegar which is beneficial to good bacteria and deadly to fungus and then penetrate the nails with beneficial bacteria to help kill and prevent further recurrences.

Essential Ingredients:

  • Acidophilis sachets containing 125 billion organisms
  • Guiness Stout beer
  • White Vinegar
  • Basin big enough for your feet or hands
  • Time

  • Natural Toenail Fungus Treatment Procedure:

  • In tub, pour 1 liter of room temperature beer into a basin
  • Add 50 billion acidophilis
  • Add 1 liter of White Vingear
  • Soak clean feet in the solution for 20 minutes before bed
  • Store solution in fridge and this way it is good for 4 soaks
  • Warm up solution by adding a bit of hot water right before next use
  • On each third soak, add another 50 billion organisms of acidophilis
  • Repeat for 30 days every day.
  • Do twice a day for faster results

  • What to look for: As the fungus gets killed by this natural toenail fungus treatment, you will notice that the new nail growth from the nail base is coming in clear. This is a good sign. It will take about 3 months for the infected nails to completely grow out. As long as you keep seeing the nail base come in clean and grow out cleanly, you are on the right track.

    Make sure you do this toenail fungus treatment daily. Make it a routine. Watch some TV, read a book or wash the dishes for 20 minutes. Do not skip a day. If you do, it may take a bit longer than a month but keep at it.

    This anti-fungus protocol is an excellent way to help prevent liver damage via Lamisil.

    This toenail fungus treatment works best with nails that are not so yellow and thick. If the nails are white looking, this will work well. If the nails are super thick and yellow, it may not work but it is always worth a shot.

    If the formula is not strong enough, play with it. Perhaps add some more acidophilis to the mix or more vinegar - or more beer. Play with the concentrations.

    If you've any questions, I'm happy to answer them for you.

    Contact me to obtain the acidophilis sachets. I am abiding by the manufacturer's request to not make them freely available to all without contacting me first. It is a physician grade product and they want to keep it that way.

    I estimated the total cost of this procedure to be about $150.00 That is very inexpensive compared to Lamisil - and much healthier to your liver.

    Even if you drink a couple Guiness Stouts while you do the soak - it may still be safer than Lamisil on your liver. :)

    (c) 2006 HealthE Goods, Inc and Benjamin Lynch

    Ben Lynch - EzineArticles Expert Author

    Benjamin Lynch has a BS degree in Cell and Molecular Biology from the University of Washington. Currently, he is obtaining his doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine at Bastyr University. Visit Ben's natural health product store, HealthE Goods where one can use our Natural Health Forum to ask health questions. We provide physician-grade non-prescription natural health products. Wholesale spa products are available to all that qualify. Do visit our Natural Health Information Center. We are here to help serve the public with proper health information and effective products. Products described in the article are available at HealthE Goods.