Real Estate Agent Commissions - The Truth Behind The Numbers

We've all seen it. Especially when word gets out that we're selling our home. Certain real estate agents market themselves by playing fast and loose with the truth about their commission rates. As such, I thought it might be helpful to provide to some of you who don't live and breathe real estate a little closer look into what's real and what isn't when it comes to real estate agents' commissions and what services, or lack thereof, they may represent. The other day one of my clients received an e-mail from an agent offering to sell his home for a 1% commission. What the e-mail didn't say was that the agent was rounding the already highly unlikely 1.9% down to 1% (apparently to save space in the ad). It also failed to mention that the nearly complete lack of services associated with this low 1.9% figure would leave the homeowner in no better shape than if he had simply taken the