Mono and Poly-unsaturated Fats Are Protective Against Diabetes

As not all men are the same, nor all fats are equally created. Essential fatty acids that body cannot synthesize are very important in stabilization of insulin and sugar into the blood and polyunsaturated fats we can find in many vegetable oils, actually has a protective action against diabetes.

Fats that are dangerous by increasing the risk of diabetes are routinely found in commercially sold crackers, cereals, baked goods and breads due of their ability to rise the products shelf life. If you want to diminish this risk a good choice is to forget about fast foods and French fries. You must throw out the stick of margarine and all processed baked foods because the fats commonly seen in these foods, known as trans fatty acids, often have been associated to high cholesterol and heart disease.

As a consequence of dramatic increasing of diabetic incidence in the United States and worldwide, many studies claim that replacing trans fats in the diet with polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fats is an important finding.

Polyunsaturated fats can be obtained from many liquid vegetable ant it is proved to have a protective effect against diabetes, reducing this risk by as much as 40%. At the same time, no significant link has been observed between monounsaturated fats and diabetes. The body need for monounsaturated fats can be covered using olive, canola, and peanut oils.

Valerian D is a freelance writer interested in health issues such as products that lower the risk of diabetes in men