Business Online Work From Home Income Passive Home Based: How's That For A Search Term?

So, when someone fires up a search engine and looks for "business online work from home income passive home based", what is he really searching for?


This search term is a cry for help. I've felt the same way, and maybe you have too. I have good news. There's help available.

Slapping up a website, "submitting" to search engines, and waiting for the checks to roll in sounds nice, but it's pretty rare for somebody to replace an offline income that way. There's a better strategy: reselling other people's stuff.

You can do this (essentially) with affiliate sales, where you refer someone to somebody else's product, in exchange for a commission.

You also can do it by purchasing resale rights to a product, then reselling it at your own website. A special flavor of resale rights (private label rights) gives you the added advantage of controlling 100% of the marketing for the product you're selling. Marketing is what makes you money.

Resale rights and affiliate sales are two of the easiest ways to create essentially a passive income for yourself online. That's what our frantic searcher really wants. That's financial (and lifestyle) freedom.

Online wealth can be elusive. It's easy to think that every single online "opportunity" is a scam. That's not true. There are scams out there, but there also are real-life strategies for going from no product, no website and no list to having all of those things, probably much sooner than you expected.

Copyright by Roy Miller

Roy Miller created and has just released a new report on jumpstarting your online profits with resale rights. Claim your copy here: Resale Rights Alchemy Report.

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