Shaving Tips: Getting A Clean Shave

Through trial and error, my shaving tips are ones I've tended to find out over time based on personal experience.

Personally, I've found that I get the best overall results shaving my face with an electric shaver with a built-in lotion dispenser. I got this new lotion-dispensing shaver in 2005 and in my opinion, it's a great product. With my new shaver, I cut myself very infrequently, I get no skin irritation and get a close shave. I don't plan on going back to a manual razor to shave my face anytime soon.

I also shave my head and prefer to stick with a manual razor. I find a manual razor is quicker to use in this case. I use a good quality razor with disposable shaving cartridges. Again, I cut myself very infrequently although I think that my use of a good quality razor goes a long way to accomplish this. I learned the hard way that using a cheap disposable razor didn't work on my skin.

Here are some general shaving tips that work for me:

1. Find a good shaving device