Acne Scars - Treatments

Severe cases of acne can result in ugly scarring, particularly on the face. Before you consider any one of the following cosmetic procedures your face will need to be totally free of active acne. Also keep in mind that acne scar treatment must be looked at on a case by case basis. Each case will be different and as such your dermatologist and/or your cosmetic surgeon will advise on the best treatment for your particular type of acne scarring. Also, a combination of the procedures below may be necessary to produce the best results.

Ridding your face of acne scars is a complex and delicate process and may require a combination of the treatments listed below. It is particularly important to fully research the work of the cosmetic surgeon you are considering before making the final decision to go ahead. For example, how prominent is this person in his/her field? Have you viewed photos of before and after? Are there testimonials from previous patients? All of these questions must be considered and answered in your mind before deciding on going through with the procedure to fix your acne scars.

Tip: Under no circumstances should you consider going overseas to third world countries who advertise cheaper procedures for this type of thing. Many of these clinics use under qualified people and do not provide adequate sanitation. You'll get what you pay for and then need more surgery when you return to fix the mistakes.

Okay, here are a list of procedures that are available to treat acne scars:

1. Dermabrasion - Is useful to treat shallow imperfections. Cost $1,500 per treatment and be prepared for repeat treatments.
2. Laser Resurfacing - Again, is useful for shallow imperfections. Cost $3,000 per treatment and repeat treatments are sometimes necessary.
3. Chemical Peels - Good for very mild scarring. $750 per treatment and you will need several applications.
4. Punch Techniques - For "ice pick" scars (deep scarring). Approximately $50 per punch.
5. Subcision - Useful for most scarring. Consult your dermatologist for more information.
6. Augmentation - For deeper scars. Cost is around $300-$700 per cubic centimeter for collagen. See your medical specialist for more information.

Greg Culver is the web owner of a site dedicated to providing information, resources and artiles offering real solutions to acne sufferers.