Rabbit Care Info: How To Take Care Of Your Pet Rabbit

What Is Domesticated Rabbits?
Is Rabbit The Suitable Companion For You?
How To Take Care Of Your Pet-Rabbit?
What Are The Daily Rabbit Care Rituals?
Classification Of Rabbit Breeds

What Is Domesticated Rabbits?

Domesticated rabbits are likeable pets. The reasons for their popularity are many! Firstly, rabbits are just cute, charming and attractive! Yet, their nature is gentle. They love to be around with people and rather friendly too. They do not demand a lot in terms of care and housing, different from dogs or cats. Thus, taking care of rabbits is so easy. Rabbits can be kept either outdoor or indoor, at home with you.

There are more and more pet lovers choosing rabbits as an alternative to dogs and cats. Though rabbits require proper daily routine care, they do not need to be walked often like a dog. And, they are sociable and do not bark. Rabbits are self-cleaning pets and have no real problem to be litter trained using an effective litter training system. They fit into most lifestyles because rabbits are most active at twilight.

There are about 40 species of rabbits and hares existing in this world. All domesticated rabbits are originated from European rabbits. Oryctolagus cuniculus is the scientific name for a domestic rabbit.

Normally, domesticated rabbits weigh between 2.2-221lb (1-10kg). The gestation period of a rabbit is 31 days. The typical litter size ranges from 6 to 8 young. The lifespan varies with breed.

Is Rabbit The Suitable Companion For You?

To determine whether a rabbit is a suitable pet or companion for you, the most important factor that you need to consider is