Think Right, And Lose Weight Now

What's the most important step toward losing weight?

No, it's not what you eat, although that's important.

No, it's not exercising, although that's a critical component of your plan.

No, it's not the system you buy, although a system can be tremendously helpful.

The most important step is deciding to lose weight. Most people never do that. They wish they could lose weight, or they long to lose weight, or they're angry about being fat, or they get mad about not being able to lose weight. But they never make a firm commitment to achieving a reasonable target weight.

Any major life achievement begins with a decision (if it happens by accident, did you really achieve anything?) You have to decide to be thin. You know you've really decided when you don't quit. If you quit, you never really committed in the first place. That might be hard to hear, but it's the truth.

Suppose your most cherished person in the world was trapped in a burning building. Nobody else is around. You save this person, or this person burns to death, and you'll hear the screaming. Are you going in to save that person? You bet, and you'll come out with that person or die trying.

That, my friend, is commitment. If you're not deathly committed to your weight loss goals, you won't achieve them.

Copyright by Roy Miller

You probably know Roy Miller as an online marketer, and creator of But he also struggled with his weight for 20 years...until he figured out how to lose weight, and keep it off forever.

Roy developed the Get Thin For Life System. If you liked this article, visit Roy's website to learn how to lose weight now, and keep it off forever. Just for visiting, you can pick up a free copy of his report called Why Fad Diets Fail: The Shocking Truth From A Physician.