Wholesale Myth: Do I Need A Business License Or Tax ID?

One of the myths that are still prevailing in the wholesale business is the business license and tax I.D need in order to achieve wholesale success. It is a big mistake to get such an opinion as a fact and then making such message viral all across the Internet.

First of all getting a business license I.D is truly necessary is a true necessary step to make when you plan to incorporate your wholesale or reselling business. In my advance wholesale business opinion, it is important to get a business license if you plan to sell one hundred thousand dollars a month in sales from a retail, wholesale or reselling business. However, there is no need to get a business license when there are many wholesalers and distributors that can cut you deals for wholesale merchandise in single or in bulk amounts legally.

There are different laws that regulate the reselling and wholesale business in many states in the USA, however, that is not an implication that you need a business license to sell wholesale merchandise.

For example: Check out "Maxam Wholesale" online wholesaler, such wholesale giant has been around for decades and they don