The Top LASIK Concerns For Someone Having Laser Eye Surgery

Chances are if you've been thinking about LASIK laser eye surgery as a means to correct your current vision problems then you've probably taken the time to do some research in order to make sure it really is right for you and your eyes. After all being able to see clearly is important and you want to make sure that your decision to improve your vision is the best decision for you at this time in your life. Wanting to have LASIK surgery is understandable. Every year more and more people experience improved vision through LASIK vision correction surgery. The surgical procedure is designed to be painless and extremely quick. The results are often fast with many people noticing an improvement in their eyesight within 24 hours of their laser surgery.

Still, before your surgery you really should make sure LASIK is the best thing to do and you can do this by spending a few minutes doing some online research and asking your doctor the right questions. Trust me when I say that your doctor will enjoy the fact that you've spent the time educating yourself about the surgical procedure you're about to undergo. As to whether you are suitable for LASIK surgery, leave that to your doctor. They will do a complete pre-screening checkup in order to determine if your eyes will benefit from laser eye surgery prior to ever performing any vision correction procedure.

The best thing you can do is to understand the expectations and associated risks that come with laser eye surgery. There have been known cases of some folks suffering from a reduced vision after their surgery and developing severe eye infections. Although these cases are rare they do exists and you should be aware of the dangers (no matter how small) that exist when having LASIK performed on your eyes.

The top question you will need answered is whether or not your eyes are compatible with LASIK. If the surgery won't affect or alter your vision in a positive manner then there is no real reason to have LASIK performed. Experience and prior cases have shown that people whose eyes aren't conducive to LASIK end up suffering from complications as a result of the surgery.

Questions regarding the recovery time are also good to explore with your doctor prior to surgery. How long the recovery will take and what can be expected during recovery in terms of follow-up treatments should be thoroughly discussed in order to make sure there are no surprises for you after having your laser vision correction surgery performed.

I'm sure you already know this but LASIK is rather expensive. True, prices have fallen dramatically over the years as new technology has been introduced and LASIK has become more commercialized. However you can still plan on spending upwards of $2000 or more for vision correction surgery. Make sure you have a complete listing of what is covered in your total cost for the surgery. The last thing you want is to have a successful surgery only to be hit with some hidden fees you didn't know about prior to having your vision improved.

Always make sure to discuss in great detail what exactly will happen during the surgical procedure. Although you will be awake, your eyes will be numb from drops placed in them. This can cause a bit of anxiety for some folks so discuss alternative means of sedation with your doctor. You can also find out what type of LASIK surgery will be performed since there are a few different techniques currently being utilized to improve the eyes of folks wanting laser surgery.

As was mentioned earlier, make sure you are aware of all risks and complications that can happen before, during and after LASIK. As with any surgery there are known risks involved with operating on your eyes. LASIK is different for everyone. Some people experience a small amount of pain while others barely notice that they were just operated on. The point is to make sure to discuss what to expect with your specialist. Chances are they have performed this surgery hundreds of times and they will be able to tell you exactly what you need to know for a successful surgery.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more eye surgery solutions, contact lens information and LASIK Vision Correction Surgery information that you can research in your pajamas on his website.