Everyone Needs a Game Plan

It's that simply really, you need to know:

-Where you are now
-Where you want to go
-How you are proposing to get there
-What you think it will cost
-What tools or skills you will need to have or acquire to make it all come together
-and how much time you have to devote to the effort.

What you need to DO FIRST is simple. Grab a piece of paper and a trusty pen (or pencil, whichever you prefer) and start writing a basic outline of your goals and desires along with a rough sketch or how you might get there.

This preliminary game plan will be a bit more than just rough; it will be a big hairy knarled creature dripping with muck and mire. But, if kept on a tight leash, it will be a great starting point to enable your new financial freedom to blossom.

What happens next is the testing and learning phase. You will need to try many things to find what works for your campaigns. This is where we look at