Adult Acne

According to official statistics adult acne affects 25% of all adult men and 50% of adult women at some stage of their adult lives. Generally speaking, people within the age group of 25-50 can, at some stage of their lives, have a recurrence of acne and so this poses the question of how this can happen. Although the actual cause of adult acne is unknown it is thought that it may have a direct relationship to hormonal changes. If you are experiencing a recurrence of acne then it may be a good idea to see your doctor and get your hormones checked.

In terms of treatments for adult acne, the procedure is really no different to that suggested for teenage acne sufferers. That is, gentle cleansing, the use of a moisturizer and of course the use of benzoyl peroxide. So make sure that you do not use any invasive cleansing procedures as these will cause unnecessary irritation to your skin and result in a worsening of the state of your adult acne. Moisturize well to avoid your skin drying out too much and apply benzoyl peroxide to affected areas to rid the skin of acne. Remember that you don't need to use a cream with any more than 2.5% benzoyl peroxide as this will do the same job as a cream with 10% and avoid an over dry skin.

Adult acne is actually much more common than most people think and similar psychological effects that teens experience an also be experienced by adults. If you need help then consult your doctor who will be able to establish whether the onset of your adult acne is hormone related or not. From there an appropriate treatment can be prescribed. Otherwise, you can begin a strict cleansing, moisturizing and application program using the above suggestions and see how that goes first.

Greg Culver is the web owner of a site dedicated to providing information, resources and artiles offering real solutions to acne sufferers.