Some Speculative Thoughts About Strategy Featuring Boeing and Airbus

Who could be more aware of the fact that time flies? Who, other than both Boeing or Airbus?

Airbus is a European company, Boeing is US based and that is why Airbus will launch a 550 seats aircraft soon, where the strategy of Boeing is to increase speed (speculation # 1). This was a decision made after the announcement of their rival.

If you are interested in culture and cultural differences, than this Boeing versus Airbus is a very nice topic to follow. The topic is not completely free from speculation, but a curious one.

On your way traveling with either Boeing or Airbus, you can observe the lower laying infrastructure; cars and busses driving on the road, for example. There is an interesting difference between these two. A car is typically an individual transporting vehicle, whereas the bus is a collective vehicle. (No, I do not want to link: Air to bus )

If you live in the city, you will know that those individual vehicles could be very inefficient. Traffic jams are order of the day, but people continue to prefer them above a bus or other collective transports.

And this is the main point. In business for example there is also a constant rivalry between individual targets and group targets, between the individual approach and the group. Arranging activities between the individual and the group (collective) is what organizing is all about.

If you have prepared something alone, there comes a time where you need to discuss it with the group. If you think that you can do all by yourself you are mistaken. Figure this deal you have prepared with a client, and just before closing it, you get ill. Should the organization consider a cancellation of the deal because of an individual issue, or should someone else in the team save the group interest? Teamwork is highly valued these days, yet most structures and bonuses still favor the individual. As is the case for infrastructure.

Now back Boeing and Airbus. The individual wants to go faster and faster. Therefore, I would say that Boeing favors more the individual approach. Where Airbus targets the group. And I think (speculation # 2) that Airbus is right. They should. The Concorde has stopped flying. Speed was a non-issue.

The new Airbus looks like a Cruise Ship (a new one -- the largest ever, is just under construction), where you can have fun while you are on your way. Forget the time for a moment.