A Guide to Omega 3 and Depression

Natural remedies for depression...

Because of the negative side-effects associated with prescription anti-depressants, many people suffering from the symptoms of mild to moderate depression are looking at natural remedies. Several studies over the last seven years have established that there is a link between Omega 3 and depression relief.

In three of these studies involving dietary supplementation of Omega 3 fatty acids, which are found in several food sources including olive oil and especially fish oil, depression was often lifted somewhat after four weeks and greatly relieved after six to eight weeks. The results of studies using both EPA and DHA were more promising than the studies which used either of these two fatty acids alone.

Depression can also be a symptom of a vitamin deficiency, particularly a dietary deficiency of the B-complex, so a multi-vitamin supplement is often also suggested as one of the natural remedies for depression in addition to fish oils.

Other natural remedies and depression relief techniques include a regular exercise program, adequate sleep, meditation and eating a balanced healthy diet, rich in fruits, vegetables (particularly leafy greens) and fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, herring and sardines.

Fish Oil Depression

One fish that especially naturally high in crucial DHA and EPA is called the Hoki, which is native to the deep waters off of the coast of New Zealand. Hoki is used in some of the highest quality fish oil supplements.

In short, people looking for Omega 3 and depression relief may want to look into fish oils made from Hoki.

Fortunately, in recent years, much more has been written on the subject of natural remedies for depression relief, omega 3 and depression relief and the fish oil depression link. User