Internet Mountains

Rick Beneteau a great author and the inovator of The Ezine Marketing Machine once wrote. "The road to success is often a steep and rocky one. There are mountains in your way, not on the roadmap that you must be prepared to climb."

This one small portion of a paragraph stuck with me more then anything else I have read on the subject of success on the Internet.

This story is not about Rick or about roads Though. It is however about the great mountains to success that lay in front of each of the brave souls that dare to travel the Internet marketing super highway.

With any mountain there are many dangers. With narrows, overhangs, cliffs, boulders, and loose rocks, dangers every one.

Even to the best-trained mountaineer one wrong calculation, a bad dission or the wrong hand placement can plumit them spiraling down to disaster, to their doom.

Of course there is a lot of wonderful safety equipment that the trained mountain climber can choose from to make there climb to the top a safe one. Also I am quite sure any intelligent mountaineer wouldn't ever think about climbing any mountain with out the proper education and a complete understanding of the terrain.

Just like that mountain. Marketing on the Internet has many dangers obstacles that could cause disaster for even the best of the Internet marketers. Anyone wanting to market anything on line should educate them self