Male Grooming Tips for Men - A Top 10 Grooming Guide for Men

Metrosexual man is the new evolution of man, confident, stylish, and masculine, so here are the top 10 male grooming tips from metro-sexual so you to can experience the benefits that good male grooming can bring. The evolution of man continues...

Male Grooming Tip 1

Get a skin care regime, if you don't always act your age why should you have to look it? A simple skin care regime, face wash, facial scrub and moisturiser can really make a difference.

Male Grooming Tip 2

Know your skin type. So that you can get the most from your skin care regime use products designed for your skin type. For example, if you have oily skin you want to be using an oil free moisturiser and if you have sensitive skin look for a moisturiser with built in sun protection. The well groomed man should have a clear, clean complexion.

Male Grooming Tip 3

Eyes are always the give away, whether it be your true age they reveal or the fact that you were actually out last night and not working on that report! Use a specialist eye cream to get rid of puffiness and any tell tail wrinkles, and hey presto no one need ever know the truth!

Male Grooming Tip 4

If you want great looking healthy skin drink plenty of water at least 1.5 litres a day.

Male Grooming Tip 5

A well groomed male needs to learn how to shave properly. The art of the perfect shave is disappearing fast. Shave after a shower or use plenty of hot water. Don't use a disposable razor, use a good quality razor, a Mach 3 or a double edge razor. Invest in a shave brush and use a good quality shave cr