5 Ways to Control You're Spending with a College Student Credit Card

When you are in college, you may think that it is going to be the best time of your life so you want to live it up. In reality, you are going to want to watch what you are doing with the credit card that you received from one of the major credit card companies out there.

You are going to want to set a limit to what you are going to spend each month with the credit card. That way you are not going to put yourself in credit card debt in the first year that you are at school. Once you have set your self a limit to what you are going to spend each month with the credit card make sure that you are sticking to the spending limit that you have set. In other words, you are not going to want to spend every thing that you are able to receive from the credit card in one month.

You are even going to want to make sure that you are going not to go on any big shopping sprees when you see something that you really like and think that you just have to have. That is going to end up putting your balance up higher than you are going to be able to pay for when the bill comes due. There is even a good thing about you getting the bill instead of your parents. When you are receiving the bill then you are going to be able to pay for all of your purchases your self. You really want to try not to have your parents paying the total balance of your credit cards each month because it is not going to teach you anything if you are not taking the responsibility for the bills that you have made on your own.

One thing to really think about is to only use your credit card when it is an emergency. This could be gas for your car so that you are able to get back and forth to your classes or even if you find that, you are going to need a certain book for your class that was not on your book list in the beginning of the semester. That way you are going to have a bill each month that you are not going to be able to pay for on your own.

Rachel Nava recommends Find Credit Cards for finding a college student credit card.