Career Advice: Career Growth Begins with Career Boundaries

"My new boss casually asks how I spent my weekend. I want to keep my personal life private."

"My parents criticized my decision to start a business. They're convinced we will soon be living in a homeless shelter."

"My friends invited me for lunch this week and I just don't have time for one more social event."

As you begin a new venture -- job, business, promotion, relocation -- you may feel you're living in a glass bubble. Friends, coworkers, and family watch you closely, wondering if they'll have to pick up the pieces after a midlife crisis career crash.

You love them, but you need to set limits. Life gets crowded when you live in a small bubble.

1. Draw your own boundary map before getting caught in tough situations. If you're clear on your own needs, your lines will be solid.

2. When you're asked a tough question, use the opportunity to communicate the message you want to send.

Q: "Shouldn't you be spending more time with your family?" A: "I have a wonderful family. Did I tell you my daughter is a starter on her high school basketball team? And my son just won an award for