A New and Revolutionary Smart, Early Mortgage Re-Payment System (SMERP)

The total bill to repay a $200,000.00 Mortgage at 5.0% interest is at least $700,000.00 to use rounded numbers. You earn the $200,000.00 to pay off the loan. Another $280,000.00 is the interest paid on the mortgage loan. Then you must pay government taxes on your earnings of another $220,000.00, assuming you are in the 40% tax bracket. This is not a math class. But, these figures are calculations rounded for quick and easy retention. They reflect the past mortgage repayment reality for most Mortgage Holders.

Now, an expanding group of Financial Advisors are quietly advising their Clients to turn those mortgage payment numbers around to create their own wealth. The new techniques are based in the published works of authors like Albert Lowry, Alan Silverstein, David Voth among others. When these ideas are applied practically, they unlock real profits that lay hidden in your mortgage payments. The Advisors