Losing Fat - Facts and Fiction?

I receive literally hundreds of questions every week asking about a new diet fad or if some exercise gadget is the answer to fast weight loss. You only have to turn on your TV or open a magazine to see examples of these.

Unfortunately, finding factual information on the internet or in fitness magazines these days is getting to be more like looking for a needle in a haystack! You can find advertisements for anything from a "Six-second ab machine" to a "Lose 25 lbs in one week with the miracle ______ weight-loss supplement." And it goes without saying that claims that one product or another is the best, fastest, safest way to lose weight or shape your waistline are rampant. So who is a girl to believe?

The truth is, there is no easy answer to losing weight and shedding bodyfat. You have to find out what really works for your body through a process of some trial and error. Yes, despite all the claims, there is no one-size-fits-all exercise plan, nor is there a nutrition plan that fits everyone's unique metabolic needs. In other works, you'll probably have to kiss a few frogs to find a prince!

Of course, trying every new program out there can be time consuming and pretty demoralizing, if you ask me. I mean, it's hard enough to find the motivation and self-control to stop eating that Haagan Daaz that's calling your name without adding even more worries about exactly what to do and what not to do when it comes to eating smart and working out!

Over the years, I've found a few exercise myths out there that make the process even more difficult: some have truthful elements to them, and others are just flat out lies (or fabricated fictions). So, to help get you started off on the right path, I've pointed out the five biggest myths and helped set the record straight... revealing whether they are facts you can rely on or just plain old fiction (to be thrown in the bin). Ready? Great! Let's get started...

1) Doing 50 lunges a day will help slim down your thighs
As appealing as this idea is, it's impossible to "spot reduce" certain areas of the body through exercise. (Spot reducing means getting rid of fat by working the specific area where fat has accumulated on the body.) Quite simply, loss of bodyfat can only be obtained through a workout program combined with a healthy diet. To lose fat from certain areas, you must reduce overall bodyfat levels.

You see, when you're exercising, your muscles use fat from multiple places around your body, not just from the area you're working out. In addition, your genes help determine where your bodyfat is stored: many slim women have a larger tummy genetically, and even top models complain about their butts! Unfortunately, the major fat storage areas on your body are usually the first to feel the impact of one too many cookies and the last to see the results of your workout plan. However, a consistent workout program which combines cardio and weights, paired with proper eating habits, will help you get your body into the shape you desire.

2) Get up, get out, and work out