Adult Scoliosis

Adult Scoliosis is a spinal abnormality that occurs during adulthood, or is a continuation of the disease that was undiagnosed or ignored during childhood or adolescence.

Adult Scoliosis is generally idiopathic, which means that its cause is unknown. However, several other types of Scoliosis also occur in adults. These include congenital curve, paralytic curve, and myopathic deformity.

A congenital curve is present at birth, and if undiagnosed or untreated, may worsen in adulthood due to age and weakening of the spine. This results in Adult Scoliosis. A paralytic curve may be caused by an injury to the spine, while myopathic deformity may result from diseases like polio or cerebral palsy. Degeneration, osteoporosis, and spinal surgery are other causes of Adult Scoliosis.

Signs of Adult Scoliosis include one shoulder or hip higher than the other, a rib or back hump, and one arm longer than the other. Severe cases of Scoliosis are often accompanied by pain because the abnormal curvature creates pressure on the spine. This may even lead to difficulty in walking.

Doctors subject individuals suspected to be suffering from Scoliosis to the Adam