Streamline Your Mortgage Search

When refinancing your home mortgage there are many potential mistakes you can make. Many of the pitfalls can be avoided with common sense; however, the stresses of mortgage finance are not always black and white. The best way to avoid mistakes is not to rush; if you move too quickly it is easy to overlook details that could cost you thousands of dollars down the road. It is best to try and remain emotionally detached when dealing with your finances as this will help you remain objective and help to keep your stress level down.

Do Not Exaggerate Your Income or Assets

You might find it tempting to exaggerate your income, what monthly expenses you have, and how much money you have in the bank. This will only slow the process and could cost you favorable loan terms or the interest rate you had hoped for. The mortgage lender could even deny your loan.

Never Sign Incomplete Documents

This may seem like common sense; however, signing a blank form or something you haven