How to Prevent Acne

Just about everyone will experience acne at some point in their life, though with varying severity and age. There are many things you can do, however, to combat and even prevent breakouts.

The first thing you can do to help prevent the spread of acne is the hardest: do not pop or pick at the acne. This causes the lesions to become inflamed and spreads the bacteria/oil build up. This is also the main action which leads to acne scarring.

Next, knowing that the cause of acne is oil build-up beneath clogged pores, do all you can to prevent both the build-up oil and clogged pores. Be sure to wash your face twice a day with a mild soap and pat dry. Avoid oil based products and irritants such as airborne grease (common is fast food restaurants) and friction (e.g. constant pressure on the face from sports equipment).

Also, prevent acne while you sleep. Before going to bed, be sure to wash your face with a mild soap, especially if you were wearing make-up that day. Other things you can do is make sure your hair is pulled away from your face while you sleep, and wash your pillow cases often.

There are also a handful of medicines that can be prescribed by your doctor. Most are topical treatments that are usually accompanied by moisturizers. In extreme cases, your doctor may prescribe Accutane