Game Rating System Explained

If you are a video or computer game purchaser or user, you may or may not be familiar with the rating system for this type of software. Whether you are buying for yourself or someone else, it is important that you understand how the system works and how the actual game rating is determined. For those who have children in their home it is especially important for you to know what the letters (i.e. E, T, M, AO) mean before you bring a new game into your home. The rating system is a good tool to help anyone determine the appropriateness of the software.

In the past, entertainment software was pretty simplified with pixilated graphics and very basic sound capabilities, but in the last decade it has changed drastically. A game can be made very realistic. This is exciting for those who like to use the latest software and it can make the gaming experience much more enjoyable. But, in addition to the vastly improved technology, graphics and sound on the software, many game products are becoming increasingly more violent, and more