Senior Life Settlements: An Introduction

A Senior Life Settlement means the sale of an insurance policy to a third party at a value less than the face value of the policy. The buyer of the policy is liable to pay all future premiums on the policy, while the original holder of the policy gets a lump sum in cash. This lump sum is an amount that exceeds the cash value of the policy accrued till that date.

Senior Life Settlement is opted for by senior people (above the age of 65 years) who do not have any further intention of maintaining their policy premiums. Once they communicate with a life settlement provider regarding their policy settlement, the provider buys the policy from them and collects their premiums in an escrow account. As soon as a buyer is available, the policyholder stops paying the premium and the new buyer continues from that point on. The accumulated amount till that date, along with all applicable interests, is given to the original senior policyholder.

People usually take policies in their younger days when they are building homes and expanding their policies. The express purpose of holding a policy is to create security in the unfortunate circumstance of a person