PMS: A Trigger to Change!

Each month, Anna feels like she is getting further and further behind. The smallest incidents set her off. She cries easily and lashes out at her husband and feels alone with her emotions and her confusion. This may sound familiar to you or resembles the symptoms of a friend you know.

Why do so many women suffer from PMS? Why do so many women take for granted that there can be nothing done about this monthly beast that knocks at their door every month and only every now and then for the rest of us? Many women believe that only medicine can help them; at best, many think that natural herbs will provide some relief, and many times, it is true.

Medical science labels about 150 different PMS symptoms and one would think a permanent cure for all of us could have been found, regardless of which symptom we experience! Such is my findings. I have been working as a therapist in private practice for over 15 years and have decided to research PMS from a different standpoint. I found every woman is very unique even though we all have a hormonal system that medicine would like to treat identically.

After having grappled with PMS myself and finding no cure through conventional medicine, I undertook my own introspection on a path to find a permanent solution. Having succeeded, I then started investigating the subject with women experiencing very diversified PMS symptoms.

Whether it was Anna who was afraid to lose control of her anger while she was menstruating, or Linda, who had not menstruated for over a year and a half, or even Carmen, whose cycles were reducing in length from one month to the next, to the point of bleeding every day, each one found a cure that turned out to be very intimate, personal and unique.

I borrowed an exercise from Neurolinguistic Programming to elucidate the monthly beast. The result? Once every woman finds the hidden message that PMS is trying to convey to her, a healing of some level happens and at best, the disappearance of symptoms. For some women it was overnight, for others it took examining few cycles to get to the depth of the symptoms. I proposed that every woman look at the pleasure hiding behind their PMS. At first each one of these women thought the idea being absolutely farfetched, even ridiculous. With a little introspection, after listing all the sufferings their PMS provokes every time, the women started to see there could be a benefit of some kind, hence finally making the link with what our subconscious is trying to reveal we have to do about certain issues in our life.