Karmic Yoga

There are many things necessary to improve the quality of life for all beings in the world and even the earth itself. Rabbi Cooper, a Cabbalist, in his book God is A verb wrote that the Kabala is based on the precept that we are all human beings sparks of the Divine embedded in us. These sparks are the higher self and our God nature. Not only human beings contain these sparks, plants do, animals do and even stones do. To reach a platitude of enlightenment we must connect with this spark, our higher self. When we do we embrace our responsibility, which is actually more of an opportunity, to help raise up and liberate those sparks, so they can return to a higher plane of existence in the universe when they are released, thus moving the universe to a higher and higher more complete form. The universe is still in the process of being created and none of us know for certain what it is becoming, according to Rabbi Cooper and also Ph. D. Brian Swimme..

Brian Swimme, physicist and cosmologist, spoke of something similar. He said that each human is like a piece of the universal puzzle. It is our duty, therefor, to develop ourselves as fully as possible and to cultivate our uniqueness. If we don