Natural Cures for Insomnia

Like most ailments, it is difficult to relate to someone who has insomnia if you have never experienced insomnia for yourself.

The importance of sustained sleep is easily under-rated. People who have true insomnia often wake up very tired or they are soon enveloped in a full feeling of fatigue after an hour of wakefulness. Insomniacs will seek naps during the day when most people are in full throttle doing their regular activities.

I have experienced insomnia for the last three years since I contracted a rare disease. I am not sure exactly what caused my insomnia, but I can tell you that it affects my life so much so that I can barely remember what it was like to be fully awake during the day.

I can get to sleep within an acceptable time, but often I will wake up an hour later. Then I might doze off again only to wake up in another hour or so. This patter will repeat itself during most of the night. You can imagine how my body reacts to consistent disruption of a normal human pattern.

I did gain a lot of weight after my operation. Perhaps this is causing my insomnia. I used to sleep on my back, but now I feel compelled to sleep on my sides. Either side will do to help get to sleep. My wife says I often snore at night and I am convinced that this is caused by my obesity so it is a short leap to believe my weight problem also causes the insomnia.

I have never gone the prescription route to use sleeping pills or even over the counter chemicals. I believe that we all just take too many antibiotics and pharmaceutical "cures." Frankly, I am fearful of the side effects of drugs that often do not show up for many years. I used to smoke cigarettes but my illness provided an excellent opportunity to quit the evil weed after 30 years. I do not want to become dependent on anything again. What are some good natural treatments for insomnia?

Herbs and Supplements

Melatonin is another alternative used to induce sleep. You may have heard of people using it for jet lag. This hormone is naturally produced in the body. Melatonin is usually ingested within an hour of bedtime. Some contend that melatonin can cause depression and schizophrenia. No typeical side effects have yet been discovered but always consult your practitioner when taking any drug.

Valerian is an over-the-counter herbal treatment for insomnia. The side effects can be indigestion, headache, palpations, dizziness. But the clinical trials as still non-conclusive. Valerian's odor can be offensive so most people take it in capsule form. Usually it is taken at bedtime. Do not take this herb along with other medications, especially with alcohol and other drugs that depress the system. Consult your practitioner before using any drug, herbal or otherwise.

Kava is another herbal remedy used by many people especially if your insomnia has something to do with anxiety. The FDA issued a warning about Kava that it may cause liver damage if used as a dietary supplement over long periods of time. Always consult your practitioner before using any drug, herbal or otherwise.

I found an online audio that helps me relax. The audio was made by a hypnotist. I listen to the audio regularly for the last two weeks, but I cannot report any change in my insomnia yet. Here is the page of the hypnotist:

Many relaxation techniques are getting good press in relation to curing insomnia. The use of relaxation techniques as a way to treat insomnia is rapidly becoming popular. The current thought says that we must use such a technique for 20-30 minutes before going to be to achieve the best effects.

Yoga, a widely accepted as a very effective calming technique, is wonderful for its breathing and stretching. Yoga will definitely relax you if you do it properly. If one is relaxed sleep should be easier to maintain. The Progressive Muscle Relaxation technique ,invented by Edmund Jacobson. trains groups of muscles to relax. This new system is well worth your time to explore.

Try visualizing a totally relaxing atmosphere where you know you would be calm, cool and collected. Visualization is any technique for creating images, diagrams, or animations to communicate a message. For more information and some great relaxation graphics go to the National Sleep Foundation website at

Here are some specific things you can DO to cure your insomnia:

1. Cut out caffeine

2. Avoid sweets

3. Eat magnesium-rich foods (legumes and seeds, dark leafy green veggies, wheat bran, almonds, brewer's yeast, whole grains)

As you can see, there are many ways to overcome insomnia. Drugs may be required for some situations, but more often than not you can end your insomnia with some serious effort without drugs.

Greg Cryns is a website promotion expert and the owner of Wahm Search Engine at He also suffered from insomnia for a number of years so he understands the problems encountered by insomniacs. He is also the founder of Zap Insomnia at Learn how to sleep well.