Why Eating More Often Will Help You Lose Weight

People will often look at me in disbelief when I tell them they are not eating often enough. The logical mind wants to think, "If I skip meals ... I am bound to lose weight." WRONG! There has been a ton of research that has proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the body gears down and hangs on when put under this type of stress. I call it "starvation mode." When your body isn't receiving nutrients every few hours, your metabolism drops into low, low gear; basically, the rate it maintains while you are asleep. In that state, your body is ultra-conservative. It uses energy very efficiently, and if any nutrients come in, they are immediately stored for fear that it won't be getting any more for another long period of time. Hence, you will not lose weight and, in fact, may even gain.

On the other hand, if you were to begin eating 5-6 small meals every day, in a week or two your body will be convinced that "more nutrients are always coming ... on a regular basis", and you will begin to drop weight almost effortlessly. Hard to believe but it