New York - Discover the Outer Boroughs

Everyone is aware of a city called New York, everyone has seen the 'Big Apple' at least as it appears on photographs, but not everyone has yet taken some time to explore some areas of NYC that in fact host the majority of the population of the greater city as well as a wide range of attractions. The 'Outer Boroughs' of New York City are virtually free of high-rise buildings such as 'skyscrapers' and generally are not the place were you'll find the 'big corporation' headquarters, but you can be sure that in the 'Outer Boroughs' you'll have plenty of chances to discover that not-always-unveiled part of New York were the 'real thing' is happening. The 'Outer Boroughs' are also the homeplace of a full range of galleries, museums, entertainment opportunities and much much more. In particular very few tourists visit places such as Coney Island or Staten Islands, even if the above mentioned are often described or mentioned in songs, novels etc.. and yet many still believe that Harlem is a dangerous squallid place filled with perpetual racial tensions where the only interesting thing to see is the Apollo Theater. In particular Staten Island (take a look at it from South Street Seaport in Manhattan) -...guess waht it is an island- is green, wide and full of interesting places that surely deserve a visit; we feel like suggesting Richmond in S.I., a small historic village that takes you back to the 'old times' of colonialism and independence where people in costumes will surely help you to feel more like you would have quite some years ago. In Staten Islands you''l also find some museums, including a weird museum dedicated to the italian national hero Garibaldi and to Meucci. S.I. is also the place where to have a walk in the natural reserve, or a stroll by the sea, or simply enjoy the same feel that old time dutchmen and then englishmen use to experience when they choosed this interesting spot as the place where to build their houses. If your time is limited and/or you do not wish to visit the island you can opt for the Staten Island Ferry that frequently leaves Port Authority in Lower Manhattan heading to Staten Island. The S.I. Ferry is an extremely good choice for everyone who wants to take a ride across the sea (even better at sunset) where it is possible to admire the Manhattan skyline in its full splendor (take a good camera with you, you'll have the chance to shoot great photos from the boat). From the ferry you'll also have the chance to see (and again shoot some more good photos, so take plenty of films with you) Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. Nearly forgot, at last but not at least the price for the ride is 0 usd, in fact it is 100% free... that is what we call a 'free ride', so we suggest you take this ferry and not the tourist trap that normally people pay $$$ for. Once in Staten Island, if you decide to go for the full visit (don't be put off by the area around the pier, wich is not exactly wonderful), you can take advantage of the buses that drive across the island main 'hotspots' and it is cheap too. Apart of Staten Island, another interesting visit you might want to experience is Coney Island, yes the same Coney Island that Lou Reed or David Bowie talk about in some of their songs. Head for Coney Island if you wish to experience that nostalgic feel of an incredible 'fun fair' undergoing decadence; C.I. is the place to be if you're interested in original art photography, because of the vast 'emotional' features of this area: we don't feel like we are exagerating by saying that going to Coney Island will dramatically increase your chances of winning the Pulitzer. Other areas around NYC that surely deserve a visit are -of course- Harlem, and not only the Apollo Theater, with its genuine art galleries, cafes, little cheap shops (you're sure to grab a deal in the shops around Malcom X Blvd.), etc..., the huge Brooklyn and the renovated residential areas of the Bronx and if you're in the mood for wilderness head to Morningside Heights uptown. Talking about New Yrk also means talking about money since hotels are no giveaways in the City, so if you feel like you want to enjoy the 'Big Apple' we suggest you visit some websites that will offer you the best rates on the net for hotels - lowest rate guaranteed, like or You'll also find very good deals on flights, car rental, packages, activities and much more, plus lots of articles regarding worldwide destinations and free worldwide destination guides.

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