Do You Ever Wish You Could Just Keep Up With Your Reading?

How many times have you looked at your stack of reading materials, and felt overwhelmed? Most of us are bombarded with more and more written information every day- magazines, reports, e-books, newspapers, professional studies- it seems to never stop.

All this information has made becoming a speed-reader a necessity for those who want to stay on top of their profession. Reading faster and increasing comprehension has become a mandatory time management technique.

Evelyn Wood developed speed-reading, in 1959. Currently, there are a wide variety of classes and techniques available for anyone who wants to master this skill. There are classes, books, audio programs, and computer programs to suit any learning style.

Here are five quick steps you can use right now to increase your reading speed and comprehension:

1.Prepare to read- set aside some time in a distraction-free environment. Find a comfortable spot, and check your focus. If you find you are having a hard time concentrating on what you are reading, close your eyes, and take a couple of deep breaths. If that doesn