Strategies for Cultivating Your Possibilities

1. Recognize that restlessness, frustration, and stress may be a sign to open yourself up to the possibilities- a different or alternative or additional way to experience your day. It may also mean that you need a little variety in your routine.

2. Know that there are many different ways to get the same things done. Do not limit yourself by subscribing to the philosophy: "Well, it has always been done this way". Alternatives that may be faster and more efficient exist- find these alternatives and try them out!

3. Be open- just sit with the idea that possibilities are all around you and mentally say to yourself: "I am now open to recognizing all the possibilities before me".

4. Mentally run through your daily experience and survey your general feelings about the way your spend your day. Are you constantly moving from one thing to the next without a break? Do you feel scattered or frazzled much of the time? How much down time do you allow yourself? Do you build in time to decompress?

5. Think about what you would like to experience- a sense of calm, a sense of accomplishment, a sense of belonging, a sense of being needed, a sense of satisfaction, a sense of contentment. Or, ask yourself what would I like more of- and list those qualities.

6. Ask yourself "what actions can I take to create my experience the way I want?" Then, Let It Go. Try not to over think this process. If you ask yourself the question and then let go of the need for the answer right away, your subconscious mind will work on getting the answers for you and they will come. You just need to be open to receiving them.

7. Once you have a sense of what you want and how you can get it, take a small action. For example, if you want more "alone time", begin by taking 5 min. in the morning and 5 min in the evening to just chill out by yourself. This will help get you unstuck, and it will give you a sense that you are moving in the right direction.

8. Use affirmations to create what you want, such as:

I am open to all of my possibilities.

I am ready to embrace my possibilities.

I have the power to create a daily experience according to my needs and values.

My day is filled with surprises that inspire and motivate me.

I am aware of my possibilities and take action to embrace them.

9. Be patient- remember change does not happen over night. Taking small consistent actions over time yields the best results.

10. Incorporate gratitude into your daily practice. You can incorporate gratitude at any time of the day. It may be when you are journaling, meditating/praying, or it may be while you are in the shower or driving to work. Take at least 5 min. each day to express how grateful you are for your gifts. Studies have shown that individuals who make time for gratitude are happier, calmer, and less stressed.

Copyright 2006 Peggy Tsatsoulis. All Rights Reserved.

Peggy Tsatsoulis, MA CAGS- is a highly sought after Professional Life Coach and Certified Psychologist with over ten years of experience. She has been dedicated to working with individuals to improve the quality of their lives, and her focus has been on bringing out the best in others. For more information and resources, or to sign up for a free e-course and/or consultation please visit