Karmic Yoga and Creation Spirituality Via Positiva, A Place of Peace

In the type of creation spirituality advocated by Matthew Fox and Wisdom University, the Via Positiva, way of the positive, is the basic path for the human being. When left to his or her own devices, usually, before a person is tainted and scared with ill beliefs about themselves through traditional stories, or the conditioning that teaches her or him that he or she must look, feel or act a certain way to be worthy or beautiful, one dwells in the path of Via Positiva.

Even in the midst of problems during every day life there are times when one reaches the point of Via Positiva. You have probably done so yourself. During Via Positiva you are at a place of equanimity and internal balance. You feel connected with the world and with the Divine. You can look at life introspectively. You can see the positives and negatives and accept them readily. Many people have implied through various writings, speeches, etc., throughout human history, that he nature of the universe is chaotic.

In Sigmund Freud