Is Your Vitamin Giving You All You Need?

The health craze has been going on in America for over 50 plus years. Whether people were concerned with their weight, or a particular pain or illness, health issues, in so much, of what we put into our bodies does play a huge part in how healthy we really are. It does not matter how much you exercise that makes you healthy your body needs all the proper nutrients, minerals, and other micronutrients to go along with your exercising that makes you healthy.


The food we eat may not be giving our bodies enough of the nutrients our body needs to do its job so the solution for most of us is to supplement our diets with a multivitamin. This is a good thing to do; however, it may not be enough either. I say this because most of the vitamins we take are made with synthetic vitamins, which is more like taking a half a vitamin. Our bodies are amazing; however, we need to give our bodies all the right nutrients to function properly and to protect our organs. Our bodies treat synthetic vitamins and whole vitamins quite differently.

Synthetic vitamins vs. Whole vitamins

Taking vitamins made with synthetic components is definitely not giving your body what it needs. Synthetic vitamins do not trick our bodies; therefore, we are doing our body a grave injustice by taking synthetic vitamins. What our body