Job Interviews: Things To Avoid

As a young business owner it is my preference to work a part-time job when starting a new business venture. I like to have money coming in through different sources at all times. My inability to obtain a job is the main reason my first business venture failed. After getting advice from an individual in human resources, I realized what mistakes I was making. I will share this information so that others do not have to deal with rejection form employers like I have had to in the past.

1. Wearing an earring. Many males wear earrings but it is considered unprofessional to wear an earring to a job interview, unless you are a female of course.

2. Talking too much. Believe it or not talking to much can hurt you at a job interview because you could get to a point where you get off the subject or say things that you should not say.

3. Not talking enough. Employers say they want to hire high energy, enthusiastic people so if you don