Hydrogenation - Deadly Page in the History of Nutrition

The American public has been deceived about foods for the last 90 years or so, starting with WW1 and the priority to send our real butter to the troops overseas, and the invention of margarine and shortening for the home folks. That began the domestic vegetable oil processing industry, and pretty much, the corruption of the whole food industry. The technology for converting cheap, liquid vegetable/grain oil into solid fat that had a nearly infinite shelf life was hydrogenation. Hydrogenation is a process of adding hydrogen atoms to the carbon chain that forms the backbone of every fat molecule, in locations where there were no hydrogen atoms before. Fats with missing hydrogen atoms are called mono- or poly-unsaturated fats, and so hydrogenation is a process of making more-saturated fats out of unsaturated fats. So, in addition to making margarine, the oil folks could make