Cellulite - Dimples with a Difference

The word cellulite makes most women and some men groan with horror, but what is it and what causes it?

Cellulite is caused by an accumulation of fat cells pushing though the criss-crossed fibres beneath the skin. It is more common in women because their fibres are formed differently to those in men. It mainly appears on the hips, thighs, buttocks and the underneath of the upper arm. To recognise it, pinch a bit of flesh between your thumb and forefinger. If it looks a bit like orange peel, you have cellulite. Basically, if you're overweight, you will probably have it and if you're not, you won't. This isn't one hundred percent accurate, but it's near enough the truth.

How do you get rid of cellulite? "With difficulty" is the short answer but you can try any of the following:

1. Magical creams, lotions or gels, which make all sorts of claims. If you want to spend your money on these, that's your business.

2. Massage. It is said that a firm massage will disperse the build up of fat in the cells and at least you will have an enjoyable experience for your money and come away with a general feeling of well-being, even if the cellulite is still with you. It will certainly take more than one session to shift it.

3. De-toxing including drinking herbal teas. Whether this actually works in itself to remove cellulite is a matter for debate, but it certainly won't do you any harm to get rid of the toxins in your body and should lead to my fourth point.

4. Lose weight. There is no getting away from the fact - if you are obese or even a little overweight, you will almost certainly have cellulite. After all it is caused by fat cells. So, cut out fatty food and take some brisk exercise.

Use creams and have a massage if you want, but sticking to a sensible diet and exercise regime is the only real answer to the problem of cellulite.

Michael Russell - EzineArticles Expert Author

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Cellulite