Online or Offline Business?

Most individuals that consider themselves to be entrepreneurs will always have dozens of ideas on the table for them to pursue. Within those dozens of ideas there are sure to be many offline and online businesses being considered. The debate that follows is should an individual start and online or an offline business right now. Both have benefits as well as drawbacks. Online businesses are easier to start and they usually have a lower start up cost. Offline businesses are more expensive because of real estate, employers, insurance, uniforms, etc.

Whether to start an online or offline business depends on the person and what type of resources they have. I had the same dilemma with my first business, I was determined to start an offline business for several reasons. I did not want to be too dependent on the internet. Also, I felt the internet was saturated. I also believe that too much advertising would be necessary for me to make my website a success.

The thing I was reluctant to realize is that competition is everywhere on the internet and offline, no matter what you do you have to take your time to compete because it won