Mortgages for Dummies: When to Refinance

Mortgage Refinancing is something every homeowner experiences soon or later. Mortgage refinancing is simply trading your current mortgage in for a better one. The motivation for refinancing is to get a better interest rate, lower payments, better conditions, or cash equity out of your home.

Refinancing is not a smart move for everyone. There are expenses and fees you will have to pay when refinancing your mortgage. These fees and expenses are very similar to the ones you paid when you took out your first mortgage. These expenses include a survey, appraisals, underwriting, and attorney fees.

In order to benefit from refinancing your mortgage you need to find an interest rate that is at least 2% lower than the rate you are currently paying. There are circumstances where you could refinance for less than a 2% improvement; if you need to cash out equity in your home you could refinance for a higher amount.

Here are several reasons a savvy homeowner would refinance their mortgage.

1. Improve Your Interest Rate

2. Lower Your Monthly Payment

3. Refinance Your ARM to a Fixed Interest Rate

4. Shorten Your Term Length to Build Equity Faster

5. Cash Out Equity

There are many mistakes to be made when refinancing a mortgage. You will need to do your homework before refinancing in order to avoid these mistakes. To learn more sign up for a free mortgage guidebook.

Louie Latour - EzineArticles Expert Author

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Albuquerque Mortgage Refinance

Louie Latour has twenty years of experience in the mortgage industry as a mortgage broker. He is the owner of Mortgages Refinance Advisor, a mortgage help site devoted to saving homeowners money with a free guidebook Mortgage Refinance: What You Need to Know.

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