Natural Cure for Cancer? - Mint Could be an Answer

One of the most exciting discoveries to make the news recently was that involving mint in the cure of cancer.

But let's back up a little first. There have been reports of miracle cures and natural treatments for almost every ailment and disease for as long as most of us can remember. Trouble is, there is almost always no proof, and we are left with only reassurances of ancient, but only recently discovered, healing properties of some plant, root or herb, that comes on the market, usually at great expense.

I have always maintained a healthy scepticism of these so called cures, mainly because they smack of profiteering. In fact if you trace the recent history of such claims over say, the last 15 years, there is very little evidence of reductions in incidence of, or improvements in condition of, sufferers of diseases that would have supposedly benefited from