3 Tips to Improve your Credit Score in 1 Day

Your credit score is important to you. If you wish to purchase a home, you will most likely need to take out a mortgage. Interested in buying a new car? You probably will need a loan to help you pay for it and drive it off the lot today. Or, maybe you want to get a credit card, with so many businesses accepting them today; it is hard to deny the convenience and flexibility they provide. Even getting utilities or a phone put into your name requires having a good credit score. Otherwise, businesses look at you as too much of a risk. So, if you have bad credit, or even average credit and you want to improve it, follow these three tips for improving your credit score in just one day.

Tip #1: Review Your Credit Reports

The first step you need to take to improve your credit score is to get your credit reports from all three of the major credit reporting agencies: Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian. You want all three because the information provided is not necessarily the same on all three. In fact, you might find something reported to just one that is not reported on the other two. Compare the three reports and look for any errors. There just might be a mistake on there that is dragging your credit score down. If this is the case, write to the credit reporting agency immediately to discuss the error. The easiest way to do this is to visit the agency